We improve our local food systems by creating space for change.
Here are a few examples of projects we work on.
SALIM - Montreal in Common
SALIM's mission is to strengthen the supply network of healthy and local products for community food organizations while improving market access for local producers through physical and digital infrastructures.
Its goal is to make healthy food from local agriculture more accessible to people who experience food insecurity in Montreal.
SALIM is an initiative led by Récolte as part of Montreal in Common.
City of Montreal project
Subject area: Food security
Primary Service: Accompaniment + project implementation
Establishment of communities of practice, prototyping and iterative solutions development, partnership development
Project partners at the time of project launch: L'Association des producteurs maraîchers du Québec (APMQ) - The Depot Community Food Centre - Moisson Montréal - Regroupement Partage - Santropol Roulant - Solidarity Markets
Other project leads working within the food component of the Smart Cities Challenge: AU/LAB - La Cantine pour tous - Carrefour alimentaire Centre-Sud
Driven by a collective vision, the SALIM project aims to expand to other partners over time.
'Zero' Hunger Montreal
Client: Foundation of Greater Montreal
Subject area: Food security
Primary Service: Consultation
Ecosystemic mapping, community of practice, partnership development, multi-stakeholder consultation
Centraide of Greater Montreal - Le Conseil du système alimentaire montréalais (Conseil SAM) - The Depot Community Food Centre - Esplanade - La Direction régionale de santé publique (CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal) - The Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation - McConnell Foundation - Le ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ) - McKinsey & Company - Moisson Montréal - City of Montreal
Esplanade x Récolte
Récolte and Esplanade have launched a new program for projects with high potential of social impact, accelerating the transition to a more local, sustainable and ethical food system.
Récolte project
Subject area: Social entrepreneurship
Primary Service: Accompaniment
Coaching and mentorship, prototyping and project development, investment readiness
RADIS summary document (available soon)
A Taste for Change
Récolte project
Subject area: Social entrepreneurship
Primary Service: Community mobilisation
Promotion, celebration, networking.
Previous edition's partners: Ausgang Plaza - Caisse d'économie solidaire - Épicerie LOCO - Esplanade