October 13, 2022

Local, accessible, sustainable and economical food system of CDC Plateau Mont-Royal

The SALADE project (Local, accessible, sustainable and economical food system) is an assistance program within the larger SALIM program that aims at supporting local food security initiatives and organizations in the borough of the Plateau-Mont-Royal. It does this by setting up a shared food supply, distribution and delivery system. 

This initiative emerged from the need to develop a shared strategy to quickly and efficiently distribute Moisson Montreal's foodstuffs amongst food security organizations in the borough.

As these organizations are faced with limited budgetary and human resources, the Collectif Récolte and the CDC Plateau-Mont-Royal worked to set up a neighborhood-wide shared vehicle system to ensure deliveries amongst the participating community organizations.

On Wednesday, September 21, the very first delivery was made to the Centre d'aide à la famille with a generously filled truck. The feedback was unanimously positive: the organizations are delighted to see the project finally come to life and to see its effectiveness. During the first week, the Centre d'aide à la famille received 50 to 70 food baskets.

This first week of deliveries would not have been possible without the exemplary involvement of the volunteers who contributed to creating a warm and giving atmosphere. 

Thanks to our partners
